Children Seen and Heard

For sometime, I believe we have been living with morals and beliefs that are either good or bad. We all have experience some form of  ill traits in family upbringings.   I'm sure, that not only taught us and influenced us, but they also affect how we live our lives, and what we share with our coming generation and to others.

We have been taught certain values, we have learned and shared many stories. Remember those old wise tales? "Don't hang your hat where you can't reach it", and "don't swear to God, for it's taken his name in vain.", and so forth. There are so many wise tales I was taught when I was a child growing up. I use to love when my father tells folklore stories and rhymes, I would laugh and play as he told them.   Me and my sisters have learned a lot from my father and when it came to stories, rhymes and even music, I absorbed them. I remember, my father loved singing, and I believe that is when I started singing. I loved the music and would dance, dance, and dance, I enjoyed every memory of it. I was a great dancer, and use some of that talent growing up.  There were also things we have been taught and that is to respect our elders, which I adhere and also teach my children to do as well.  But certain things like; children are to be seen and not heard, was hard to swallow.  I believe that children are not only to be seen,  but they should be heard as well. 

We have so much mental illness in our society because woman, men as well as children have been overlooked and are suffering from past experiences that causes these reactions.  You don't know what a children have been experiencing or expose to in their lifetime, and it effects them in the long run.  A child needs to know that they are heard as well as understood, that will make them more confident in life knowing that concern, love and security was there. They will  remember that no matter what, they could depend on their family and be assured that everything will be alright, and that will build confidence in them. Without proper judgement, and consideration; we may  pass down some negative morals that maybe regretted in the long run and may risk the chance of passing that same tradition down to their children.   by ignoring the fact they they need to be heard as well as seen and know that they can be expressive about anything.  A child should not  be afraid to express what's on their mind and what they may be feeling.  Being open brings about good relationship of communication, understanding, trust and a bond that can not be broken  Be careful what you pass down to your family, it could be a positive thing, or it could be a curse.  We must also watch what we say to one another, because words are powerful and carry much weight.  What you say to and over your self and children, have a great impact on their future even their daily lives.  Always choose words that will motivate, encourage, and show them that you are proud of them. 

This is to say that children are to be taught to be respectful to adults and to anyone. We want them to grow up with that spirit of courtesy, consideration to others and to respect themselves as well as others.  Lets show them we have an ear and a arm, show kindness and love.  While teaching our children to respect,  let us also respect them, visa-versa.


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