The Narrow Road That Leads to Life

First, we need to understand that Jesus is the door through which all must enter eternal life. There is no other way because He alone is "the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:16). The way to eternal life is restricted to just one avenue, Christ, In this sense, the way is narrow because it is the "only way", and relatively few people will go through the narrow gate. Many more will attempt to find an alternative route to God. They will try to get there through man made rules and regulations, through false religion, or through self-effort. These who are "many" will follow the broad road that leads to eternal destruction, whole the sheep hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and follow Him along the narrow way to eternal life. (John 10: 7-11).
Those who choose to follow it no longer live by their own judgment; rather they walk according to an other's decision and direction, and that decision and direction is Christ Jesus. This seems almost impossible to man in the natural, but you have to learn to hear that still voice inside that guides you on the right path in life. We believe our own judgements are sacred. No one tells us what do to, it is extremely difficult to give this up, because of our own ego tendencies and what we have learned or even been programmed to believe, we must be in charge, we learn humility and to be open to learning the will of God, we know we can't do anything on our own. We can only do it if it is our vocation, our calling from Christ to follow him in this way. It is a gift, a gift from God, one that is not tied to any organization, religion, or business. A gift of God to an individual and a gift to the church for edification. The gift is the grace to follow Christ, who said, "I have come not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me." (John 6:38). To give up our will to control everything, our will to pursue an intended power, has been described as the most difficult thing a modern man can do. We know that with God all things are possible.(Matt. 19:26). We disappear into Christ. His prayer becomes our prayer, His will becomes our will, His obedience, our obedience. His love of the Father possesses our love. We no longer live a separate existence, but we live through Christ, who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light, to no longer be in bondage to the lies, and half truths of this world. To not be entangled with lies and deceit again. God is true and his word is true, not only that, it is already and has been established. We become one with him in his resurrected state, which is called his glorious body. This self transformation and formation from the old self forms into the new self. (2 Cor. 5:17). The Lord knows who is his, its the fruit is the that good fruit that is bear ed, one that is good and not In knowing this, you also know that we are joint-heir with Christ Jesus. There is no greater love than the love of our Heavenly Father, that in sending his only begotten son Christ Jesus to pay the ultimate price for you and I to become free. This is the road to which leads to life everlasting. The true value of the fruit is in our giving of ourselves, for the Lord God gave. In knowing the truth, the will set you free, no longer bound, chained in our minds, but who the son(Christ Jesus) sets free, is free indeed.(John 8:36). For without Christ, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6). 


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